An Introduction to My Animals!
Sven, Logan and Ptashka:
These are my birdies. They are a trio of cockatiels that my sister-in-law and I rescued from a woman who just had too many birds. She had 5 'tiels in one cage, so we took them and split them up. My birds don't really love people, rather I am tolerated in their cage as the bringer of noms and toys, but I love my birds and I have them in a HUGE cage with a rotating stock of toys and treats.
Scotch (aka Scotches, baby Scotch, Cat, Cat-face):
Baby Scotches is a kitty. I got him at the pet store I work at. He was dropped off with his two brothers at the backdoor during a bad snowstorm. The vet thought he was about 3 weeks old and he wasn't weaned. We fed them with syringes and spoons and got them weaned eventually. They came in with worms and fleas, so they were very tiny. His two brothers got adopted right away and he stuck around for a couple of weeks, so I would carry him around on my shoulder when I was at work because I felt bad for him. I ended up taking home my little 2 pound kitten and he grew into a 12 pound cat with a ridiculously long striped tail!
Greta (aka Gretzky):
Greta is my Mini Dachshund. We are in the process of moving so she lives with her Auntie Dar (my sister-in-law) and her pack of hounds (there are 5!). We probably weren't ready for a dog, but I fell in love with her. It wasn't that I particularly wanted a dachshund, or even a dog, at the time. I just wanted her. She has the sweetest personality and she is so naughty! She has developed a habit of peeing on Auntie Dar's stuff...just her stuff tho. I don't really know what to make of that but hopefully it will go away when we get her home. I have big plans for our little puppy: I'll start with basic obedience and do the Canine Good Citizen Test. I'm trying to decide where to go after that, though. I'd like to do either Rally Obedience or Canine Freestyle. We'll be doing both eventually though. I'd also like to have her take a therapy dog test as well. And of course she'll learn all kinds of useless tricks, like blowing bubbles and 'cop cop' just so we can show off.
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